The AON report quoted below demonstrates the significant growth of W&I and related insurance products. We are witnessing this trend in a number of jurisdictions through our increasing involvement in underwriting issues and especially claims.
On 30 October 2018, we will discuss recent trends and developments in the field of W&I at our Global Financial Institutions and D&O Conference 2018.
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Our Panel of experts from the UK, US, Australia and Germany will discuss the implications of an increasingly sophisticated market for claims and underwriting specialists as well as the key trends being seen by us from a cross-jurisdictional perspective, with topics including typical quantum concerns, market dynamics and some jurisdictional quirks.
2017 and the first half of 2018 posted extraordinary growth in the use of representations and warranties insurance, tax insurance and bespoke contingent insurance, making a noticeable impact on the M&A landscape. Around the world, whether it's the increased use of insurance in public deals, the growing prevalence of nil recourse transactions in EMEA or the heavy use of insurance by corporate acquirers in Asia in lieu of more traditional indemnities or escrows, M&A insurance has changed the way deal professionals allocate risk, using insurance as a tool to bridge the gap on one of the most fundamental issues in any M&A transaction: the potential post-closing erosion of value, either of the consideration received by the seller or the business acquired by the buyer.