Abuse & Neglect blog - lessons from Australia - an update on redress
Australian National Redress Scheme Update and UK Redress Scheme Announcement: Reflecting on Australian Statistics and Upcoming Developments
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Lucinda Lyons Amanda Do Luke OKane
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Australian National Redress Scheme Update and UK Redress Scheme Announcement: Reflecting on Australian Statistics and Upcoming Developments
Lucinda Lyons Amanda Do Luke OKane
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Vicarious Liability for Criminal Conduct: A Comparative Analysis of Australia and the UK
The 2016 High Court of Australia case, Prince...
Lucinda Lyons Amanda Do Luke OKane
https://www.passle.net/Content/Images/passle_logo-186px.png Passle https://passle.netShare this:
Following the recommendations made by the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, significant...
Lucinda Lyons Amanda Do Luke OKane
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Permanent Stay Applications in Australia: Analysing Recent Key Cases and the Impending High Court Decision
Issues relating to safeguarding...
Lucinda Lyons Amanda Do Alastair Gillespie Katherine Neal
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The Australian Victorian Supreme Court has permitted a claim for damages by a secondary victim of abuse and effectively confirmed the...
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