Australian National Redress Scheme Update and UK Redress Scheme Announcement: Reflecting on Australian Statistics and Upcoming Developments
The June update on the Australian National Redress Scheme (the 'Scheme') has recently been released, providing valuable insights into the Scheme's data and operations. This update provides valuable insights into the upcoming UK redress scheme, which aims to address institutional failures and recognise the trauma suffered by victims.
Australian National Redress Scheme Data
As of 2 June 2023, the Scheme has received a significant number of applications, with 26,802 applicants seeking redress for child sexual abuse.
Of all applications:
- 12,374 have been finalised (determined as either eligible or ineligible, with offers of Redress either accepted or declined);
- 11,795 payments have been made totalling approximately AUD1.044 billion dollars;
- 907 have been withdrawn by the applicant;
- 13,521 applications are on hand with the Scheme, of which:
- 739 are with applicants, awaiting a decision on their offer of Redress
- 1,213 are with institutions, awaiting a response to a Request For Information
- 3,484 are on hold (for reasons such as at the request of the applicant; where further information has been requested from the applicant, where there is difficulty contacting the applicant or due to a non-participating institution)
- 8,085 are in progress with the Scheme, of which:
- 5,460 are being actioned; and
- 2,625 are temporarily unable to be actioned (for reasons such as awaiting contact from the applicant or awaiting extra information).
This data underscores the importance of the Scheme providing efficient support services and engaging with participating institutions to expedite the resolution process for survivors.
UK Redress Scheme
The recent announcement of a forthcoming redress scheme in England reflects a recognition of the institutional failures that enabled child sexual abuse to occur. Similar to the Australian experience, the UK scheme, based on the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), aims to acknowledge and address the experiences of survivors. The government's commitment to closely consulting victims, survivors, and representative charities during the scheme's development showcases a collaborative approach to ensure effective support mechanisms and involvement of non-state institutions.
Lessons from Australia
The Australian statistics on the National Redress Scheme can provide valuable insight for the upcoming UK redress scheme. The Australian model demonstrates the significance of promptly addressing applications, ensuring transparency, and providing financial compensation to survivors. By analysing the successes and challenges faced by the Australian Scheme, the UK scheme can refine its processes and deliver a robust framework for redress.
UK Reforms and Initiatives
In response to the IICSA, and in addition to the introduction of the UK Redress Scheme, the UK government has undertaken various reforms to prevent future abuse and support survivors. These initiatives include:
- improved access to therapeutic support for victims and survivors;
- enhancing data collection on child sexual abuse;
- introduction of mandatory reporting; and
- an Online Safety Bill.
As we analyse the progress and outcomes of the Scheme, it becomes imperative to consider its implications for the forthcoming UK redress scheme.
The Australian statistics from the National Redress Scheme serve as a valuable benchmark for estimating the potential number of applications the UK scheme may receive when implemented, indicating that a substantial number of applications may be anticipated.