The German Insurance Association (GDV) has released its statistics on D&O insurance for 2018. According to the reported figures, the average loss ratio hit almost 113% with a combined ratio estimated at +140%. While not all insurers offering D&O insurance in the market report their figures to GDV, the results of the study show that while Germany remains a hotspot for D&O actions, further efforts will be required to make the market sustainable. That includes premium levels but also questioning some of the extensions that have become standard, yet without an equivalent price.
Die in Deutschland aktiven D&O-Versicherer haben 2018 einen hohen Verlust gemacht. Das geht aus den neuesten Marktdaten hervor, die der Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV) vorgelegt hat. Danach betrug die reine Schadenquote – also ohne Kosten – 2018 satte 113 Prozent. Dazu kommen noch rund 30 Prozent Kosten. Damit sind die Ergebnisse deutlich schlechter als in den Vorjahren.